I love the idea of building up my home, literally, sometime in the near future. I don't want to be 28 and still sharing a kitchen or maybe even a bathroom with my folks, because I'm living with them under the same roof. I don't want to entertain my friends on my 30th birthday at the expense of my parent's privacy. It is totally disheartening to have your mother bang at the bedroom door at 6am in the morning, asking where you've been all night and why you are fighting a hangover in a holy Sunday morning.

I have this dreamy thought of personally and individually building my own home, free from the brainy or handy works of a male figure in the name of a loving spouse and that recent matrimonial property ruling gives me an even more solid reason for it. I am strongly against that notion that a man would have to be the pillar to my home ownership. I know how much shoot downs I'm bound to receive for having such a dream but it is said, once bitten, twice shy and I have actually been bitten more than just once. When almost all the men you have shared a solid history with in your adult life tend to be a bunch of selfish characters and the few selfless ones are not promising a forever, you have no other option but to be very precautious about your future.

I always say; if you're in your twenties and still attract a man who takes pride in finding an accolade from the wealth of his tycoon dad, then indeed you need to style up and stop saying yes to losers. I believe that a man who still uses the phrase,  "Do you know who my father is," still has some maturity to do. So when I met Marty and his introductory statement involved the candid appraisal of his father's wealth, I knew immediately that our relationship was already RIP. I was even more drawn back when he complained about not being able to afford a weekly purchase of baby diapers yet he already had a litter to his name. I'm not saying Marty had no vibrancy going on but his shortcomings were rather too high for his charms. I know he's got that inner trait that he never wanted to embrace. He's the kind of person who'd go fishing or play throw ball with his kids but then he views that beauty as a disgrace to his manhood and that makes him too gruff to be with a sweet soul. He can be a smartass if he chooses to but not a kind of person you can bank your entire future on. Definitely I wasn't going to let him lay a foundation for my home, let alone build it. Besides, I'm so certain he wasn't even ready for such a commitment.

I have met several stunning men that keep on giving me the urge to maintain the freshness of my youth but none has struck me so much like Randy did. Just as his name suggests, he was indeed of a randy character. He's the kind who'd take care of your boudoir shoots every single month just so he could have his pleasures whenever he pleased. I found him so amusing since he was too generous and offered every kind of luxury at an impulse. He even had a Harley Davidson and Calvin Klein was his all time classic fragrance. He could spend a fortune on booze and had lots of dough to spare. Now, what kind of a youthful, hippy chic won't like such kind of an outgoing and free spirited man? Haha, I'm just saying.

Randy had an extreme and weird relation to perfection. He couldn't even stomach the sight of a single tiny skin tag.  This trait of his kept me wondering whether he'd still be there if I could, God forbid, get involved in an accident and lost a limb. Then I finally realised I didn't need that kind of a commitment either.

I do not see any complications in my taste for men, it just happens that the few I've met throughout my young adult life have shown no related ambitions to mine. I'm not trying to say that all the men I get involved with in a romantic relationship should build me a home, haha naah, far from it. What I'm driving at is the fact that I am not relying on any man to give me my dream home. When I finally jump the broom and say I do, my future husband could invest in our matrimonial home but on the other side, I'll have to definitely build my own private home before that time comes. I don't want to risk being thrown out of my matrimonial home, God forbid, and the only option I got is going back to my parent's house. I am already making an investment and maybe a half a decade from now, I'll already have enough to save me from getting a mortgage, which is another fix I do not want to get involved with.



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