Honey attracts more flies than vinegar. Maybe I might have been a little too much honey at that time...
Well, I really cannot imagine how my life would have been without my son. I definitely cannot deny the fact that I had to give up a lot of stuff when I became a mother and I cannot also deny that the journey of motherhood has been a great and awesome experience.

 I remember giving up dancing, which was an avocation I must confess I had been tied to ever since I got to campus. I remember giving up chess because my mood swings wouldn't allow me. I know how silly that excuse sounds but if you were to try fitting into the shoes I was wearing at that time, I am sure you could have given up your best remedy too. I even had to give up the campus lifestyle of boarding in one of those students' hostels where it is said freedom roams, and started commuting from home to school. At some point, I even had to give up classes because attending to your baby is a great deal and more so when the nannies and baby sitters prove to be unreliable.

When you get born into motherhood, life changes and you are called upon to sacrifice, but when you know the worth of your sacrifice, you will do it wholeheartedly without regrets.

Making a baby is not all about getting freaky under the sheets, it involves a whole lot more. When you decide to push through with the responsibilities that might arrive after the action, then that becomes just the beginning of it. Making a baby is a journey and not just a shot made within a moment and parenting is just part of the journey.

I know several people have been making assertions about how irresponsible I was or how very lose my morals were but hey, if you are certain about you being whiter than the snow, then be the first to cast the stone. My motherhood experience might have been abrupt but when fate decides and your vision is faint; everyone has their own weaknesses that might blur their visions, then you have no other choice but to oblige to what fate decides. It just happened that my weakness, at that time, was something I had no strength to overpower.

Though I might have lost some of the things I used to love before my motherhood, I must say I have learnt a lot and covered a whole circle of maturity since.  You might not have a thousand reasons to laugh but you might have a thousand laughs from a single reason. Being a mother has developed my level of patience. I can confidently say that my knowledge of self has improved and I now have one more valid reason to live. I even began working out and practising yoga, which has proven to be an exellent way of relaxation.

Motherhood might not be the happiest experience but among all my experiences, it surely exceeds them all.
And who says I cannot get my feet back to the dancing floor again? Or that I cannot focus on the game anymore? It actually seems like I lost nothing after all. If anyone thinks that dignity can be lost by bringing and nurturing a beautiful life, you might want to change that thought.


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